Top 5 Copywriting Tips for Creators & Influencers

Today, we're gonna talk about the importance of copywriting as a creator and why harnessing it will take your business to the next level. I'm Justin Moore; welcome to Creator Wizard, your step-by-step guide to the business of being a creator. You're gonna learn what copywriting is and why you should care as a creator. How to look at your newsletters, your core sales pages, and even your social media captions as part of a unified strategy, as well as five simple tips for how you can supercharge your content's impact right away.

What is Copywriting?

So to start off, what's the best explanation of what copywriting is and why it should matter to creators and influencers? But how I personally see copywriting, especially conversion copywriting, is like writing words that matter and help you make money. So it's not just, oh, I write words that sell, but those words should also have a bit of soul in them. So that is copywriting. When you write words that matter to your brand, your audience, and you, and at the end of the day, they help you make money.

So, when we're thinking about creators, I mean, especially like creators and influencers or social media influencers who maybe have spent their entire career creating content for free, right? And they're not really used to or accustomed to being in that mindset of designing, crafting captions, or crafting copy that is maybe they're used to like selling something on Amazon or being convincing about doing a sponsorship or a brand deal or something like that. But not necessarily like actually writing compelling copy. Maybe a blogger would be, like a more traditional blogger is more versed in that type of thing but your creators can have so much impact is their authenticity, right? And they've often spent many years building up a following of people who trust them, right?

I got this far being myself. Why do I need to change?

When you either choose to do copywriting or you hire a copywriter, whether you're a creator or an influencer, at the end of the day, your goal is to show up and serve your audience in the best way possible, and that is precisely what a copywriter would help you do. That is what copywriting will help you do. The hallmark of an excellent conversion copywriter is being able to use a cocktail of emotion, empathy, and engagement to encourage your audience to connect even more deeply with you and convert. Because whether you're a creator, a course creator, a coach, a consultant, an influencer, at the end of the day, chances are you do want your audience to resonate with you. You want your audience to align with you. You want your audience to understand where you're coming from, and also, you do want your audience to buy from you, to trust you enough to make a decision they feel excellent about, and that is the job of a copywriter.

This is why I say copywriting isn't just about putting words on a page that sound pretty. It's about thinking about the words that go on the page and thinking about how your audience is going to connect with those words? How is it that your audience is going to feel about those words? And are those words really aligned with who you are? Are those words really in sync with how you wanna show up, or are you just using them because you heard so and so used them? Or because you think that that's what's trending right now. That's not what copywriting is. Copywriting is, yes, it is being intentional. I will talk about that as well because I feel like it's super essential for you to be intentional about the words you choose to put out there, and yes, copywriting is also a lot of work, but it is work that pays off in the long run. It has worked because your audience starts to see those words that make them go, "huh, it's like, he's in my head," or it's like, "she's speaking my language." She knows what I'm feeling; she knows what I'm going through because you take the time to not just share what you believe in or not just talk about what you want for your audience but also about you take the time to really understand what they're going through. You take the time to use words and language and even pop culture references that made them go, huh, this is my person.

One of the things that really struck me was how important research is when it comes to copywriting and how critical that is. Especially if, let's say, a creator already has an established community that you're able to go in there and just kind of like get really deep in the weeds of like, understanding, okay, what types of words are they using? Or like, even how like those like word clouds where it's like, you figure out how often they are saying which words and then utilizing those words. And in fact, it sounds like, correct me if I'm wrong. Still, it sounds like you may be able to actually even deepen your relationship with your audience because you're able to connect with them on a better level or more fundamental, more visceral level than you may have previously.

Research is a massive part of a stellar copywriting process, and it forms the very foundation of every headline, of every call to action. Of course, the copy itself goes on a page or in an email. And yes, when you start to write copy that your audience starts to connect with and that your audience starts to feel that you're writing for them and you're talking with them instead of at them, naturally, that connection deepens. It begins with a relationship, and it ends with a connection. Yes, there are different stages in between; at the end of the day, the connection is where it's all about because you're not dealing with subscribers. You're not dealing with leads. You're not dealing with sales; you're not dealing with customers and clients. You're dealing with humans. When you're forming that relationship, you're connecting with a fellow human when you're creating that connection. So yes, maybe those metrics are important, and as a conversion copywriter, it always all about the conversion metrics.

So, what types of content should creators be thinking about copywriting for?

I mean, because I think many people think about copywriting for like maybe a course, right? Or something, that's the most common thing, a sales page or something. But if you think about a regular brand, they have brand guidelines. They have unified messaging across all marketing initiatives, whether print or digital, TV or their web presence. It's like, it's a unified strategy. So they're speaking with a singular brand voice. And so, how can creators steal that idea? To be fair, if a follower or a potential customer is going to follow you and check you out doing their own research before they purchase something from you, check out your Instagram, check out your course page, check out whatever it is, your ebook, right. You do wanna have some sort of a cohesive voice across all of those things, right?

Copy isn't just your sales page or your website homepage, or your sales emails. Yes, those are key elements of copy that would make you money almost, you know, almost instantly to speak off, especially when it comes to launches. But when you look at and the long-term relationship building, you need to keep in mind every element of content you're putting out. Whether it's newsletters, whether it's social media captions, if you're a YouTube creator, whether it's a YouTube script, you need to sound the same. There needs to be what we copywriters call message match. It shouldn't be like I hear you on YouTube. You sound really friendly and casual and chatty and like my BFF next door, but when I sign up to your emails, they're all very like very short to the point, very CEO-like. Here I'm wondering, huh, okay, there's a disconnect somewhere, and when there's a disconnect, that automatically kind of raises red flags in the human brain because then you feel like, how do I know which one's real? So that is why it's super important for you as a creator and influencer to ensure there's cohesion in the way you're showing up, in the way you're talking, in the way you're writing, or in the way you're speaking, there needs to be message match.

The second thing is you must be intentional about everything. So intentionality in everything is key to creating a cohesive brand voice or, in fact, like when writing copy that will be consistent across platforms, regardless of where you're sharing that. For instance, let me give you an example about intentionality. For example, business values are very heavily used in the online marketing space. What are your values? What's your vision? But here's the thing, like your values aren't just buzzwords or fancy coats for your wall or Instagram feed. Your values are meant to show up in the copy that you write, in the words that you share on social. So let's say your value is transparency, right? And you're like, "oh, our business value is transparency." It's on your homepage. So you feel like the job is done, but then in your emails, you don't disclose an affiliate relationship with someone. So you're not really living your value, right? Forget the fact that you've got like an email list or you've got subscribers, or you've got fans and followers; at the end of the day, you're dealing with humans, and humans are intelligent. So people are going to see through the facade. So if you say your value is transparency, be transparent in your copy, whether it's for a newsletter or for a social media status update. Yeah, just kind of live the things you talk about.

Many creators feel like when they start to sell something, when they transition from giving everything away to content away for free to starting to sell something, maybe their authentic voice is very casual, right? And now when they're saying, okay, well now, I gotta convince someone to buy something from me. I need to be much more buttoned-up, right? I need to be much more professional. What about being casual in sales copy? And just like having that alignment like you mentioned, with the voice that everyone is used to hearing from you?

What about being casual in sales copy?

Here's a quick exercise to do, when you're writing that sales email, just think that you're writing to a friend. You're really excited about this offer you've created. How would you show up? What would you tell them? What would you want them to know? That means, "oh, this is how I need to show up," and there is absolutely no reason for you to pay someone else to encourage your audience to make an informed decision. You don't need to play a role. You don't need to play a part, you need to be yourself, and we found this across the platform for clients whether it was Pat Flynn, whether it's Vanessa Lau, Vanessa's style is very different from Pat's. She's no BS, and she's very to the point and gives great value, but she also has her personality influence. Her brand words include lots of interesting GIFs and her own presence. So we could really incorporate all of that. Pat's audience is very different, and also even though there may be some overlap, his style is very different. So you need to keep that in mind, but it's consistent, and I'm sure it's the same for you. You would want to show up in a way that feels good to you because you know that that's who you are. So when you're kind of starting out or when you're doing this for the first time, and you wanna keep the consistency in how you're sounding, I would say like just kind of trust your gut and believe that you're speaking to another human.

There is so much to know about copywriting that I'm just literally over my head. But with so much of this stuff, that speaks to how impactful it can be because I know that there's just this whole industry of copywriting the power that it can have in drastically increasing conversions and things like that.

Lets Talk Tactics

Specific tactics, if I could outline three to five, maybe tips or simple like tweaks or changes that creators can make to the content that they're creating to have a meaningful impact right away. So I think one of the quickest things that you could start to do is be clear in your offer, like clarity is way better than sounding cute or clever. So when in doubt, always choose clarity. If there's just one thing you would do, go through your emails and your sales page and just remove vague, fluffy, or just kinda make people go, huh, language. What would this mean? And if you would never use a word in real life, don't put it in an email. So if you talk in a certain way, write in pretty much the same way. Clarity is super important. That's like the easiest fix for you to do is like do a quick run-through of your sales page or emails and go through it and go and make, just kind of see what's not clear enough, not crisp enough, not tight enough, and just go ahead and remove that. A great tool to use for that is the Hemingway App. You could just put your text into the tool. It'll tell you what readability level, it'll also point out any of the typos and anyways you could make your writing stronger and clearer or easier to understand words and all of that. The other element that I feel is super important but often ignored is trust. Adding trust to your copy goes a long way, and again, this is true for whether you're getting people to sign up for your opt-in, your webinar, or you want people to buy from you. Or it's like a social media caption; it's super easy for you to use trust in everything you write.

For instance, this could be like, let's say it's for your opt-in page. One thing that makes their sales page very effective and why they convert way better even with cold audiences is including social proof for their free content. So if you have a webinar that you've been running before and you're collecting leads, maybe grab some screenshots and put it there. If it's sort of a paid offer, of course, the social proof goes there without saying but let's say it's a brand new offer. You don't have social proof for this freebie or this offer, then if you've got endorsements from, say, a coach or a one-on-one client, but again, I would always say to be fully transparent about where that endorsement is coming from. If you're really new or in a situation where you can't use client testimonials for some reason, use your standing. Talk about how you are qualified to teach what you're teaching; use statistics. Statistics are great for your industry. You could show how the method you're using or the techniques you're teaching have a higher return on investment or have a better results outcome or if you've got studies and then the third is, of course, studies as well. This is great if you're in the health and wellness niche if you've got studies that could back up whatever you're saying. If you can find studies to kind of back up the claims you're making, again, you wanna be in line with, you know, you would need to keep in mind legal implications.

Another great way to create trust; in fact, I could go on about this is risk reversal. So you could use risk reversal in your programs, with either a guarantee or a trial period. If you've got a membership site, maybe offer a $1 trial or even a free trial for the first 30 days but let people feel really, really confident about the decision that they're making. Let them know that you stand behind this offer and you are so optimistic about the results that they'll get that you're willing to take the risk for them. So these are like, trust is a great way to improve your copy. It's also an effortless and effective way because it just removes skepticism from your prospect's minds.

How can you best incorporate copywriting into their content strategy now so that you set Yourself up for the future when you are ready to sell something?

First up, if you're not selling anything, it doesn't mean that you don't need solid copywriting. You do need solid copywriting because the goal is not just to sell. The goal is to show your audience your soul and show your audience what you stand for. Copywriting is an excellent way for you to do that and start thinking about it. At the end of the day, whether you're a creator or an influencer, you have specific goals from this brand that you're building, so what are those goals?

If the goal is to say grow your platform or grow your visibility. You can use copywriting to highlight authority, which is another great way to use psychology, persuasion principles, and conversion. Talk about what sets you apart. Talk about how you are doing and dealing with the issues in your business aligned with who you are? So use that for authority; you use copywriting to build your authority. Suppose your goal is to land brand sponsorships. In that case, copywriting can go perfectly because you could start showcasing whatever you're doing in your partnerships with brands to talk about product benefits since all other influencers may just focus on superficial features. Or you could go a layer deeper and use copywriting to talk about the actual benefits. You could use it to craft compelling headlines that increase click-through rates, whether it's for your emails or even engage or CTAs, so that people are clicking through and checking out the brand that you're partnering with. The fact that you're a creator, the fact that you're an influencer means that you do have specific goals in mind. They may not involve hard dollar numbers, but they may include things like, oh, I wanna grow my platform, or I wanna be more visible, or I wanna be the go-to person. Have speaking gigs booked out whatever those goals are, you need to get clear on them, and then it becomes effortless for you to see how copywriting fits into that.

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